Rehabilitation 2 Performance


The goal is not to just remove pain from a patient’s life but rather increase their overall quality of life. This blog primarily focuses on the rehabilitation mindsets I use when treating patients, however it must be known that pain reduction is only the first step in improving function and sustaining a higher quality of life.

I attended a club called Rehab 2 Performance while at chiropractic school that I did not realize at the time would mold how I wanted to practice as a chiropractor. This club met during lunch hour one day/week and would exhaustively explain, demonstrate, and practice treating many different musculoskeletal conditions while always citing research articles and studies that would best support treatment strategies we practiced.

I have pictured most of the thought processes I use when thinking through each patient’s individual case. These 10 methodologies are instrumental in how I choose to asses, diagnose, treat and prescribe exercise to patients. I am not certified/credentialed by any of these groups, though I have invested great time and effort in learning their understandings by taking their courses throughout my own study. I fully intend to continue taking courses that teach best practice guidelines as I grow older.

Upon a patient’s first visit, we will assess range of motion; noting any abnormalities and dive deeper into pain generating movements. We will then use this information to guide us toward a prescriptive movement that the patient can take home to continue as a first aid/pain reducing procedure. Next, I will typically explain what I have found to be the diagnosis/pain-generating tissue to the patient. Given patient consent, we then begin treatment, which on the first visit typically involves manual therapy, massage, a modality of best fit, spinal or extremity manipulation (chiropractic adjustment) and prescription of a take home exercise that we will practice before you leave. I am sure this model of practice will change according to the needs of the population as I continue to learn, but I have learned this strategy from some of the profession’s best as I sought how I would want to be treated if I was a patient.

More blogs will follow describing my thought process in how I decide to physically rehabilitate patients. Call the office if you would like to talk with me about your current case at 317-512-1744 or schedule below. Thanks for reading.


What causes Sciatica


Different approach…Same result