Prescribing Mobility as Modern Medicine

Healthcare is not a one size fits all approach; but maintaining mobility as we age is essential to injury prevention, treatment of most metabolic diseases, often utilized in mental health interventions, and most commonly provides a foundational movement base for humans to perform the tasks they desire to without pain.

Mobility limitations are specific to each individual, so treatments should be specific to each individual. Mobility work can be administered via manual therapy, stretching, or programmed exercise. Manual therapy examples would include hands-on tissue manipulation techniques that I use at the office. I often prescribe stretching as apart of an exercise protocol, I typically like to begin each session with manual therapy to decrease pain at the site, then working into a stretching exercise, and lastly progressing into a strengthening exercise to remodel the injured/deconditioned tissue.

Chiropractic adjustments are a great tool that can be used to increase mobility at a joint that has developed stiffness. Motion palpation is a tool I use to assess to joint movement, deepening on if I can see or feel a restriction in the movement, I will deliver a comfortable joint manipulation to assist in restoring adequate movement. Passive care is centered around increasing mobility, and in this realm of passive care; a joint manipulation or chiropractic adjustment is the highest level of force that can be sed to restore joint motion.

Prehab is a term used among professionals in the sports medicine field, it is defined as a legitimate preventative medicine solution for common neuromusculoskeletal issues that burden our healthcare system. Thats because the goal of prehab is to reduce your risk for injury while improving your overall physical health. Simply, prehab is a way to implement exercise to reduce future injury risk while becoming the type of athlete you want to be. Rehab is more commonly associated with post-injury training.

Whether you are a high level athlete or a grandparent, you should be instilling 10-15 minutes of a mobility routine before beginning your movement or exercise session. This will prolong your life as a grandparent, or prolong your career as an athlete.

If you’re interested in this approach to healthcare, schedule your appointment via the button below. Thanks for reading.
