It’s not out of place

To some this may be a hard pill to swallow as it’s what you’ve understood of chiropractors for generations. Back in 1895 chiropractic was coined by a man named Daniel Palmer after adjusting/popping a man’s neck which the man claimed to regain hearing after previously being deaf. At this time in 1895, it was thought that the vertebra was structurally misaligned and after the adjustment it was “aligned.” A fine physiological explanation for 1895 but not for 2021.

We now know after years of research with live imaging that chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists, or anyone who performs joint manipulations/adjustments are not aligning any joints. We are not putting bones back in place, as no bone was out of place to begin with. If you did have a bone out of place, you would likely be in ER not a chiropractor’s office.

Chiropractic adjustments/manipulations are very beneficial when paired with exercise, but as a stand-alone treatment the efficacy of this treatment is lacking. Chiropractic care can be used for pain relief, but also should be used for sport performance, sports injury rehab, and more.

We believe everyone in Shelby county is an athlete; if your sport is playing catch with your kids, then you should be able to efficiently move into and out of every position demanded of you without any restrictions. If you ignore these movement deficits, over time these deficits will progress into bigger problems that eventually limit you from moving in everyday life.

You may feel like age 50 or 70 is far far in the future…it’s not. As Ferris Buehler once said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it.” You’ll feel much better if you take responsibility of your movement inefficiencies now rather than later. Schedule an appointment online now to take control of your musculoskeletal health, move optimally and achieve your goals without pain.


You are NOT your MRI


The Many Masks of Back Pain